New Student Admissions for the STIS Polytechnic Service Association for the Academic Year 2021/2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Laut Regency

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New Student Admissions for the STIS Polytechnic Service Association for the Academic Year 2021/2022

New Student Admissions for the STIS Polytechnic Service Association for the Academic Year 2021/2022

March 30, 2021 | Other Activities

Based on the Letter of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number B / 351 / M.SM.01.00 / 2021 concerning the Approval of Additional Principles for CPNS Needs from Students of the STIS Polytechnic Statistics for Fiscal Year 2021, the STIS Polytechnic Statistics - Central Statistics Agency will accept students back. new academic year 2021/2022 with official bond status as many as 600 people with details:

Statistics Study Program Diploma III Program - 140 students

Statistics Study Program Diploma IV Program - 250 students

Statistical Computing Study Program Diploma IV Program - 210 students

Graduates of the Diploma III Program will be appointed as candidates for Class II / c State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and will be assigned to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) throughout Indonesia.

Graduates of the Diploma IV Program will be appointed as candidates for Class III / a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and will be assigned to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) / Ministries / Institutions / other institutions throughout Indonesia.

During the education period, students are exempt from tuition fees (without pocket money).
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